WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 GE

WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 GE product description, function, use, features, characteristics, product features, application areas are as follows:

Product Description:WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 is a power converter manufactured by GE.

Function: The function of power converter is to convert one kind of voltage or current to another kind of voltage or current to meet the needs of different equipments.

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Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 GE product description, function, use, features, characteristics, product features, application areas are as follows:

Product Description:WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 is a power converter manufactured by GE.

Function: The function of power converter is to convert one kind of voltage or current to another kind of voltage or current to meet the needs of different equipments.

Usage: WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 is usually used to convert AC power to DC power, or to convert power from different voltages or currents.

Features: WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 features high efficiency, low noise and high reliability, which can meet the needs of different equipment.

Product Features:WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 has overload protection, short-circuit protection and other safety features, which can ensure the safe operation of the equipment.

Application areas:WESDAC-D20ME-526-2004-03A-270957 is widely used in industry, electric power, transportation and other fields to provide reliable power support for various equipment.


Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953