Product Parameters of VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P:
- Processor:
- The VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P typically utilizes a high-performance processor, such as the Freescale PowerPC 7447A, with a clock speed of 1.267GHz1.
VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P
- Memory:
- It features 1GB DDR2 SDRAM as standard, with the ability to support up to 4GB DDR2 SDRAM for extensive data storage and program execution1.
- Storage:
- The module comes with 1GB of flash memory and supports CompactFlash Type II cards for additional data storage and transfer1.
- Expansion Interfaces:
- The VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P offers 2 PMC slots and 1 XMC slot, supporting IEEE 1386.1 PMC and XMC expansion modules for additional functionality1.
- Network and Serial Interfaces:
- It provides two gigabit Ethernet interfaces supporting RJ-45 and fiber optic connections1.
- Additionally, there are 2 RS-232 serial ports and 2 RS-422/485 serial ports for communication with various devices1.
VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P
- USB and Display Interfaces:
- The module includes 4 USB 2.0 ports for device connectivity1.
- It also supports VGA and DVI-D display interfaces with a maximum resolution of 1920×12001.
- Operating Temperature and Power:
- Operating temperature ranges from 0°C to 55°C12.
- Power requirements include +5V DC with a maximum power consumption of 35W1.
- Physical Dimensions:
- The dimensions of the module are 149mm x 74mm x 20mm1.
Application Fields of VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P:
- Industrial Automation:
- The VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P is a powerful embedded computer board that can be integrated into industrial automation systems for data acquisition, monitoring, and control24.
- Military and Aerospace:
- Its high-performance processing and real-time control capabilities make it suitable for applications in military and aerospace systems1.
- Scientific Research:
- Researchers can utilize the VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P for data processing and analysis in various scientific experiments and projects1.
- Data Acquisition and Control Systems:
- The module’s high-speed data processing and rich I/O interfaces enable it to be used in data acquisition and control systems for applications such as radar signal processing, image processing, and more2.
In summary, the VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P is a versatile and high-performance embedded computer board suitable for a wide range of applications requiring high-speed data processing, real-time control, and extensive connectivity options.
VMIVME-7750 VMIVME-7750-746001 350-027750-746001P