- The first three part numbers provided are for VMEbus backplanes. The VMEbus is a ruggedized computer bus originally developed for military and aerospace applications. It is still widely used in industrial and embedded systems.
- VME-7807RC-414001: This part number may represent a specific configuration or variant of a VMEbus backplane. The “7807” likely refers to the model number, “RC” could stand for ” ruggedized chassis”, and “-414001” could be a revision or configuration code.
350-93007807-414001: This part number follows a different format but could also be related to a VMEbus backplane. The “350-9300” prefix suggests it might be a manufacturer’s internal part number or an older style part number. -
VME-7807RC-414001 350-93007807-414001 VMIVME-017807-411001 VMIVME-017807-414001
- VMIVME-017807-411001: This part number also appears to be related to the VMEbus backplane family. The “VMIVME-01” prefix suggests it might be a variant or update of the standard VMEbus backplane. The “-411001” could be a revision or configuration code.
VME-7807RC-414001 350-93007807-414001 VMIVME-017807-411001 VMIVME-017807-414001
- The last two part numbers provided are for what appear to be related but distinct products:
- VMIVME-017807-414001: This part number follows the same format as the previous one but with a different configuration code (“-414001” instead of “-411001”).
VMIVME-017807-417001: This part number also follows the same format but with yet another configuration code (“-417001”). - To get more specific information about these parts, including their exact purpose, compatibility, and detailed specifications, you would need to contact the manufacturer or a trusted distributor who specializes in this type of hardware.
VME-7807RC-414001 350-93007807-414001 VMIVME-017807-411001 VMIVME-017807-414001