UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R0011

Product Name: UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001

Product Description: The UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001 is a high-performance, data acquisition module designed for use in industrial automation and other measurement applications.

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Product Name: UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001

Product Description: The UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001 is a high-performance, data acquisition module designed for use in industrial automation and other measurement applications. It provides accurate and reliable data acquisition, converting analog signals into digital data that can be processed and analyzed. The UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001 features a high-resolution ADC (analog-to-digital converter) for precise signal conversion, and it supports a wide range of input signal types and ranges, making it suitable for various measurement applications. It is designed for easy integration into automation systems and provides a digital interface for communication with other devices or controllers. The UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001 offers advanced filtering and calibration features, ensuring accurate and reliable data acquisition, even in noisy or challenging environments.

Product Parameters:

ADC resolution: 24 bits
Input signal types: Analog
Input ranges: User-configurable
Digital interface: SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) or I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
Operating temperature range: -40°C to +85°C
Size: Compact and lightweight.


The UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001 is a high-performance, data acquisition module designed for use in industrial automation and other measurement applications.
It provides accurate and reliable data acquisition, converting analog signals into digital data that can be processed and analyzed.
The UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001 features a high-resolution ADC (analog-to-digital converter) for precise signal conversion, and it supports a wide range of input signal types and ranges, making it suitable for various measurement applications.
It is designed for easy integration into automation systems and provides a digital interface for communication with other devices or controllers.
The UAD149A0011 3BHE014135R001 offers advanced filtering and calibration features, ensuring accurate and reliable data acquisition, even in noisy or challenging environments.

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953