To obtain the product name, product description, product parameters, and specifications in English for the Schneider Electric product code “140CRA21110,” it is necessary to access the manufacturer’s official website or contact their customer service directly. As a search-based AI partner, I do not have access to the latest and detailed product information directly from the manufacturer’s database.

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Phone:+86 18150087953 / +86 15306927167


To obtain the product name, product description, product parameters, and specifications in English for the Schneider Electric product code “140CRA21110,” it is necessary to access the manufacturer’s official website or contact their customer service directly. As a search-based AI partner, I do not have access to the latest and detailed product information directly from the manufacturer’s database.

However, based on the limited information available, I can provide you with a general outline of what you might expect to find for a product code like “140CRA21110” from Schneider Electric:

Product Name:


It is likely to be related to a communication adapter or interface module. Schneider Electric offers various communication adapters for connecting and integrating different systems and devices. The product name might indicate its purpose, such as “Communication Adapter Module” or “Interface Converter.”

Product Description:

This will provide a brief overview of the product’s functionality, features, and intended use. It might describe the adapter’s ability to convert signals, interfaces, or protocols, allowing for seamless communication between different systems or devices.

Product Parameters:

These are specific technical details about the product. They might include input and output voltage ranges, data transmission rates, supported protocols, physical dimensions, power consumption, and any certifications or compliances the product holds.

Product Specification:


This section usually provides a more detailed technical specification sheet, outlining all the technical details, performance characteristics, environmental ratings, and any other relevant information required for proper installation, configuration, and use of the product.

To obtain the exact information for “140CRA21110,” it is recommended to visit the Schneider Electric website, search for the product code in their online catalog, or contact their customer service team. They will be able to provide you with the latest and most accurate product information in English.


Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 18150087953 / +86 15306927167
Phone:+86 18150087953 / +86 15306927167