Product Description,Parameters,Specifications,Series,Features,Functions,Applications,and Fields of Use for 3BHE042816R0101-PCD244A101 ABB Thermocouple Input Module

Operating Voltage:220V

Output Frequency:50kHz

Communication Protocol:Supports standard industrial communication protocols

Measurement Range:Depends on the specific type of thermocouple used.

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Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


Product Description,Parameters,Specifications,Series,Features,Functions,Applications,and Fields of Use for 3BHE042816R0101-PCD244A101 ABB Thermocouple Input Module

Product Description:

The 3BHE042816R0101-PCD244A101 is an ABB channel thermocouple input module designed to receive and process signals from thermocouples in industrial automation systems.It converts the analog signals generated by the thermocouples into digital data that can be read and interpreted by control systems.

Product Description,Parameters,Specifications,Series,Features,Functions,Applications,and Fields of Use for 3BHE042816R0101-PCD244A101 ABB Thermocouple Input Module

Product Description,Parameters,Specifications,Series,Features,Functions,Applications,and Fields of Use for 3BHE042816R0101-PCD244A101 ABB Thermocouple Input Module

Product Parameters:

Operating Voltage:220V

Output Frequency:50kHz

Communication Protocol:Supports standard industrial communication protocols

Measurement Range:Depends on the specific type of thermocouple used.

Product Specifications:

Number of Channels:Varies based on the specific model and configuration.

Measurement Accuracy:High precision for accurate temperature measurements.

Response Time:Fast response to changes in temperature.


This module belongs to the ABB’s range of industrial automation and control modules,specifically designed for use in a wide variety of industrial applications.


High Precision:Accurate measurement of temperature changes.

Rugged Construction:Designed for use in harsh industrial environments.

Versatile:Compatible with multiple types of thermocouples.

Easy Integration:Standardized interfaces and protocols for seamless integration into existing systems.


Signal Conversion:Converts analog signals from thermocouples into digital data.

Data Processing:Performs necessary signal conditioning and filtering to ensure accurate measurements.

Communication:Enables secure and reliable data communication with control systems and other devices.

Product Description,Parameters,Specifications,Series,Features,Functions,Applications,and Fields of Use for 3BHE042816R0101-PCD244A101 ABB Thermocouple Input Module

Product Description,Parameters,Specifications,Series,Features,Functions,Applications,and Fields of Use for 3BHE042816R0101-PCD244A101 ABB Thermocouple Input Module


The 3BHE042816R0101-PCD244A101 module finds applications in various industries and scenarios,including:

Manufacturing:Monitoring and controlling temperature in manufacturing processes and equipment.

Energy:Monitoring temperature in power generation,transmission,and distribution systems.

Process Industries:Chemical,oil and gas,pharmaceutical,and other process-intensive industries where precise temperature control is critical.

Building Automation:Managing building systems such as heating,ventilation,and air conditioning(HVAC)for optimal efficiency and comfort.

Fields of Use:

Industrial Automation:Enhancing efficiency and precision in manufacturing and process industries.

Energy Management:Monitoring and optimizing the performance of power systems.

Building and Infrastructure:Improving the efficiency and reliability of building systems.

Research and Development:Supporting experimental and testing activities that require precise temperature control.

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953