PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23

  • Product Model:

    PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23

  • Product Parameters:

    The exact product parameters for PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23 are not directly specified in the search results. However, based on the product’s description, it is likely to have parameters related to digital signal input, such as number of input channels, signal types supported, sampling rate, etc.

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Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


  • Product Model:

    PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23

  • Product Parameters:

    The exact product parameters for PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23 are not directly specified in the search results. However, based on the product’s description, it is likely to have parameters related to digital signal input, such as number of input channels, signal types supported, sampling rate, etc.

  • PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23

  • Product Specifications:

  • Type: Digital Input Module1
  • Signal Types: Supports multiple signal types, including switch signals, alarm signals, limit signals, etc.1
  • High-Speed Acquisition: Some models may support high-speed acquisition for capturing transient signals or rapidly changing states1
  • Programmable Logic: Supports programmable logic control using methods like Ladder Diagram or Function Block Diagram1
  • Data Storage and Recording: Some models may have data storage and recording functions for historical status and event recording1
  • Communication Interfaces: Typically equipped with multiple communication interfaces, such as Ethernet, serial ports, etc., for data exchange and communication with other devices1
  • Dimensions and Weight:
    The exact dimensions and weight of PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23 are not provided in the search results. These details are typically found in the manufacturer’s datasheet or specifications.
  • PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23

  • Features:

  • Multiple Input Channels: Typically has multiple digital input channels for connecting sensors or other external devices1
  • Signal Flexibility: Able to receive various signal types1
  • High Reliability and Stability: Designed for stable operation in industrial environments1
  • Expandability: Some models may have expansion slots or interfaces for adding additional input channels1
  • Redundant Configuration: May incorporate redundant components or systems to enhance reliability6
  • Functions:
  • Signal Acquisition: Collects and monitors digital signals or discrete status signals from sensors or other devices1
  • Logical Control: Performs logical control and decision-making using programmable logic1
  • Data Communication: Communicates with other devices or control systems using various communication interfaces1
  • Application Areas:
  • Industrial Automation and Control Systems: Commonly used in automation and control systems for signal acquisition, monitoring, and logical control12
  • Power Systems: Potentially used in power transmission and distribution systems for signal monitoring and control7
  • Communications Systems: Could be employed in network equipment, communication bases, or data centers for reliability enhancement2
  • Traffic Control Systems: May be found in traffic signal systems or railway signaling for improved safety and reliability2
  • Please note that while the information provided here is based on the search results, it may not be comprehensive. It is recommended to refer to the manufacturer’s official documentation or datasheet for the most accurate and detailed information on PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23.



PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23

PM3398B-6P-1-3P-E 80026-172-23 (3)

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953