IC697CPX928-FE -2 GE

  • Product Name:
    GE IC697CPX928-FE-2
Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


  • Product Name:
    GE IC697CPX928-FE-2
  • Product Description:
    The GE IC697CPX928-FE-2 is a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) module from General Electric’s IC697 series. This PLC module is designed for use in industrial automation systems, offering programmable control and monitoring capabilities. It can be used to control and automate various industrial processes, machines, and equipment. The IC697CPX928-FE-2 PLC module features a powerful processor, memory, and I/O (Input/Output) capabilities, allowing it to execute complex control logic and communicate with other devices in the system.
  • Product Parameters:
  • Processor Type: The type of processor used in the PLC module, which determines its processing speed and capabilities.
    Memory Capacity: The amount of memory available for storing programs, data, and other information.
    I/O Channels: The number and type of input and output channels available for connecting to sensors, actuators, and other devices.
    Programming Language: The programming language used to program the PLC module, such as Ladder Logic, Structured Text, or Function Block Diagram.
    Communication Interfaces: The type and number of communication interfaces available for connecting to other devices or networks.
    Operating Temperature Range: The temperature range within which the PLC module can operate normally.
    Power Requirements: The voltage and current required to power the PLC module.
  • Product Specification:
  • Dimensions: The physical size of the PLC module, including length, width, and height.
    Weight: The mass of the PLC module.
    Mounting Options: The type and size of mounting holes or brackets for installing the PLC module in a panel or enclosure.
    Power Supply: The type and rating of the power supply required to power the PLC module.
    Environmental Ratings: Resistance to dust, moisture, vibration, and other environmental factors.
    Compliance Standards: Compliance with international or local electrical safety and performance standards.
  • To obtain the exact product name, description, parameters, and specifications for the GE IC697CPX928-FE-2, it is recommended to contact General Electric directly or visit their official website. They will be able to provide you with the latest and most accurate information based on their product catalog and documentation.
Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953