IC660HHM501N GE Relay Module

Inputs/Outputs: Depends on the specific model, but typically offers a range of digital and analog inputs/outputs for connecting to various sensors, actuators, and other devices.

Operating Voltage: Typically accepts a standard operating voltage range, which may vary depending on the specific module configuration.

Operating Temperature: Designed to operate within a specified temperature range, ensuring reliable performance under various industrial conditions.

Relay Type: The module incorporates relays of different types and sizes, depending on the specific application requirements.

Communication Interface: Supports communication protocols for data exchange and control with other devices or systems.

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IC660HHM501N GE Relay Module

Product Description:

The IC660HHM501N is a relay module manufactured by GE that belongs to the General Electric’s IC660 series. This module is specifically designed for use in industrial automation and control systems, providing reliable switching and control capabilities.

IC660HHM501N GE Relay Module

IC660HHM501N GE Relay Module

Product Parameters and Specifications:

Inputs/Outputs: Depends on the specific model, but typically offers a range of digital and analog inputs/outputs for connecting to various sensors, actuators, and other devices.

Operating Voltage: Typically accepts a standard operating voltage range, which may vary depending on the specific module configuration.

Operating Temperature: Designed to operate within a specified temperature range, ensuring reliable performance under various industrial conditions.

Relay Type: The module incorporates relays of different types and sizes, depending on the specific application requirements.

Communication Interface: Supports communication protocols for data exchange and control with other devices or systems.


The IC660HHM501N belongs to the IC660 series of relay modules from GE, which offers a range of models suitable for different industrial automation and control applications.


High Reliability: Designed for long-term, consistent performance in demanding industrial environments.

Flexible Configuration: Offers various configurations to meet specific application requirements, such as different input/output options and relay types.

Easy Integration: Designed for easy integration with other devices and systems, facilitating seamless integration into existing control systems.

Robust Construction: Constructed with high-quality materials and components, ensuring durability and resistance to harsh industrial conditions.


Switching and Control: The relay module serves as a switching and control device, connecting and disconnecting circuits based on input signals received from sensors, controllers, or other devices.

Signal Conversion: Converts input signals into appropriate output signals for controlling various devices or systems.

System Monitoring: Monitors the status of connected devices or systems, providing feedback and alarms when necessary.

IC660HHM501N GE Relay Module

IC660HHM501N GE Relay Module

Applications and Uses:

The IC660HHM501N relay module finds widespread applications in various industries such as manufacturing, power generation, and automation systems. It is commonly used in:

Manufacturing Processes: For controlling machines, conveyor belts, robots, and other manufacturing equipment.

Power Generation and Distribution: In power plants and substations for switching and controlling power systems.

Automation Systems: In automated production lines, process control systems, and other industrial automation applications.

Application Domains:

Industrial Automation: Wherever reliable switching and control are crucial for industrial processes and systems.

Energy and Utilities: In power generation, transmission, and distribution systems.

Manufacturing: In automated production lines and manufacturing facilities.

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Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953