CC-PCNT02 Product Description:

CC-PCNT02 is a precision counting device designed for precise measurement and control of small volumes or particles. It is commonly used in scientific, industrial, and medical applications where precise counting of cells, particles, or other small objects is essential.

Product Parameters:

Counting range: Specifies the maximum and minimum particle or volume size that the device can accurately count.
Detection sensitivity: Describes the ability of the device to detect and count small particles or objects.
Accuracy: The degree of closeness of a measured value to a true value.
Precision: The repeatability and reproducibility of measurements performed by the device.

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


CC-PCNT02 Product Description:

CC-PCNT02 is a precision counting device designed for precise measurement and control of small volumes or particles. It is commonly used in scientific, industrial, and medical applications where precise counting of cells, particles, or other small objects is essential.

Product Parameters:

Counting range: Specifies the maximum and minimum particle or volume size that the device can accurately count.
Detection sensitivity: Describes the ability of the device to detect and count small particles or objects.
Accuracy: The degree of closeness of a measured value to a true value.
Precision: The repeatability and reproducibility of measurements performed by the device.

Product Specifications:

Interface: Lists the types of interfaces that the device supports, such as USB, Ethernet, or wireless.
Dimensions: Provides the physical dimensions of the device, including width, height, and depth.
Weight: Specifies the weight of the device.
Power requirements: Lists the power input requirements for the device, such as voltage and current.

Product Features:

High precision counting: Offers highly accurate and precise counting of small particles or objects.
Easy to use interface: Features an intuitive user interface that provides easy access to counting settings, controls, and data.
Compact and portable design: Designed with compact dimensions and lightweight construction, making it easy to transport and use in various settings.
Customizable options: Allows for additional features or configurations to be added or customized based on specific applications or requirements.

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953