HIEE300936R0101 ABB

  • Product Name: HIEE300936R0101 (ABB)
  • Product Description:
    The HIEE300936R0101 is an electrical component or device manufactured by ABB, a leading global supplier of power and automation solutions.
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Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


  • Product Name: HIEE300936R0101 (ABB)
  • Product Description:
    The HIEE300936R0101 is an electrical component or device manufactured by ABB, a leading global supplier of power and automation solutions. This product is likely to be a part of ABB’s extensive offering of industrial electronics, electrical distribution, or automation products. It could be a relay, a circuit breaker, a contactor, or any other electrical component used in industrial control systems or power distribution applications. The specific functionality and purpose of the product would depend on its intended use in a particular industrial application.
  • Product Parameters:
  • Electrical Properties: Voltage, current, and power ratings that define the product’s electrical capabilities.
    Mechanical Properties: Dimensions, weight, and mounting options that affect how the product integrates into a system.
    Operational Characteristics: Switching speed, trip time, or other operational parameters specific to the product’s type.
    Environmental Resistance: The ability of the product to operate under varying temperature, humidity, or pollution conditions.
    Safety and Compliance: Compliance with safety standards and regulations, such as UL, CE, or IEC certifications.
  • Product Specification:
  • Dimensions: Length, width, height, and any other relevant dimensions for the product.
    Weight: The mass of the product.
    Terminal Connections: The type and size of terminals used for wiring connections.
    Environmental Ratings: Temperature range, humidity, and pollution degree ratings for the product.
    Certifications and Approvals: Safety and quality certifications obtained by the product.
  • Please note that without specific information from ABB or the product’s documentation, the above parameters and specifications are general and may not accurately reflect the actual details of the HIEE300936R0101 product. It is essential to consult the manufacturer’s official documentation or contact their technical support team for accurate and detailed information.
  • HIEE300936R0101.2018.12.10. (2)
Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953