GE IC697MDL750

GE IC697MDL750 Product Details, Specifications, Product Parameters, and Application Fields in English (summarized in approximately 300 words, in list format):

Product Details:

Brand & Model: GE – IC697MDL750

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


GE IC697MDL750 Product Details, Specifications, Product Parameters, and Application Fields in English (summarized in approximately 300 words, in list format):

Product Details:

Brand & Model: GE – IC697MDL750
Type: Discrete Output Module
Previous Producer: Manufactured by General Electric Fanuc (previously), now acquired by Emerson Automation Solutions.


Output Channels: Sixteen discrete output channels grouped into four sets of eight channels.
Output Voltage Range: Each channel can be configured to provide 20/60 VDC.
Output Current: Each channel has a maximum output current of 0.5A, with each group having a total of 2A.
Current Consumption: 0.25A for the module.

Product Parameters:

Voltage Ratings: The module supports 20-60 VDC output voltages with a rated voltage of 24/48 VDC.
Programming & Configuration: Supports programming and configuration for precise control of discrete devices.
Communication: Compatible with other industrial automation devices for data sharing and collaborative work.

Application Fields:

Industrial Automation: Used widely in various industrial automation systems for precise control of discrete devices.
Discrete Device Control: Ideal for controlling switches, valves, indicators, and other discrete devices.
Integrated Systems: Can be integrated into larger automation systems for seamless operation and data exchange.

The GE IC697MDL750 discrete output module offers a robust and flexible solution for industrial automation applications, with its highly configurable outputs and compatibility with other automation devices. Its specifications and parameters make it suitable for precise control of discrete devices in various industrial settings.



GE IC697MDL750

GE IC697MDL750

GE IC697MDL750

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953