CI546 3BSE012545R1 ABB

Product Parameters and Specifications:

  • Manufacturer: ABB
  • Model/Part Number: CI546 3BSE012545R1
  • Series: The exact series to which this part belongs may not be immediately apparent from the part number alone. However, ABB has various series of automation, control, and measurement products, and this part likely falls into one of those.
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CI546 3BSE012545R1 ABB

The ABB product identified as CI546 3BSE012545R1 is a specific part number that likely belongs to a larger product family or series within ABB’s portfolio. Without direct access to the specific product datasheet, I’ll provide a general overview of the potential product parameters, specifications, dimensions, weight, series, features, and functions that could apply to this part number, translated into English:

Product Parameters and Specifications:

  • Manufacturer: ABB
  • Model/Part Number: CI546 3BSE012545R1
  • Series: The exact series to which this part belongs may not be immediately apparent from the part number alone. However, ABB has various series of automation, control, and measurement products, and this part likely falls into one of those.
  • Electrical Specifications: Voltage ratings, current ratings, power consumption, signal outputs, and other electrical characteristics would be detailed in the product datasheet.
  • Performance Specifications: Any relevant performance metrics, such as accuracy, repeatability, response time, etc., would also be specified.

Dimensions and Weight:

  • Dimensions: The exact dimensions (length, width, height) of the CI546 3BSE012545R1 are not provided here, as they would be specified in the product datasheet.
  • Weight: Similarly, the weight of the product would be detailed in the datasheet.


  • As mentioned, the exact series is not immediately clear from the part number. ABB organizes its products into various series based on functionality, application, or technology. To determine the series, it would be necessary to consult the manufacturer’s product catalog or search for the part number on ABB’s website.


  • The features of the CI546 3BSE012545R1 would depend on its intended use and the series it belongs to. It could include features such as high accuracy, fast response time, compatibility with ABB’s automation systems, rugged construction for industrial environments, and ease of installation and maintenance.
  • Depending on its application, it could also have features related to data communication, monitoring, or control.


  • The CI546 3BSE012545R1 could serve a variety of functions within ABB’s automation, control, and measurement products. It could be a sensor, transducer, actuator, controller, or some other component that is part of a larger system.
  • Its specific application would depend on the requirements of the system it is integrated into, such as industrial automation, process control, power distribution, and more.


  • The information provided here is based on general assumptions about ABB products and the typical parameters, specifications, and features that could apply to a part number like CI546 3BSE012545R1.
  • Always consult the manufacturer’s official product datasheet or contact ABB directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information on any specific product.



CI546 3BSE012545R1 ABB

CI546 3BSE012545R1 ABB

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Phone:+86 18150087953 / +86 15306927167