Product Name:
The product name is typically a combination of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies the product within Schneider Electric’s catalog. For example, it could be named “Acti9 Badut” or something similar, depending on the specific product line and functionality.
Product Description:
The product description provides a brief overview of the product’s purpose, features, and benefits. It might explain the product’s role in energy distribution, building automation, or another application, as well as any unique features or technologies it employs.
Product Parameters:
Parameters refer to the technical specifications that define the product’s characteristics and capabilities. For Schneider Electric’s building automation and energy distribution products, these might include:
Dimensions (length, width, height)
Operating voltage and current range
Power handling capacity
Environmental ratings (temperature, humidity, etc.)
Protection class (IP rating)
Communication interfaces and protocols supported
Product Specification:
Specifications provide a more detailed and comprehensive list of technical requirements, standards, and performance metrics for the product. They might cover:
Compliance with industry standards and regulations
Safety features and certifications (e.g., CE, UL, RoHS)
Warranty terms and conditions
Performance metrics (such as switching speed, accuracy, etc.)
Recommended installation and maintenance procedures
Technical support and documentation availability
To obtain the exact and official product name, description, parameters, and specifications in English for the Schneider Electric product “AS-BADU-204”, I recommend directly contacting Schneider Electric or visiting their official website. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information about this product. Additionally, you can search for the product using the provided code on Schneider Electric’s online catalog or product search tools.