ABB UAC389AE02 HIEE300888R0002

Product Parameters, Specifications, and Features for the ABB UAC389AE02 HIEE300888R0002:

Product Parameters:

Model: UAC389AE02 HIEE300888R0002
Manufacturer: ABB (based on the provided information)

Product Specifications:

Type: Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Unit
Application: Used as a visual interface for operators to monitor and control industrial automation systems.
Connection: Connects to the PLC or other control system via cables and wiring.

Product Features:

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Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


Product Parameters, Specifications, and Features for the ABB UAC389AE02 HIEE300888R0002:

Product Parameters:

Model: UAC389AE02 HIEE300888R0002
Manufacturer: ABB (based on the provided information)

Product Specifications:

Type: Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Unit
Application: Used as a visual interface for operators to monitor and control industrial automation systems.
Connection: Connects to the PLC or other control system via cables and wiring.

Product Features:

User-Friendly: Easy-to-navigate touchscreen interface for intuitive operation.
Intuitive Operation: Includes pre-designed screens and menus for quick access to important information and control options.
Sturdy Design: Ruggedized enclosure for durability in industrial environments.
Customizable: Supports custom screens and reports, allowing for tailored solutions to specific applications.
Expandability: Can be integrated with additional modules and peripherals to enhance functionality.
Interconnectivity: Compatible with various communication protocols, enabling integration with other devices and systems.

For specific information on the UAC389AE02 HIEE300888R0002 HMI unit, refer to the ABB documentation or contact technical support for further assistance.

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953