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ABB-3BHE039203R0101-5SXE12-0184-GVC736CE101 Product Details

Understanding the Part Number

While I couldn’t find a specific datasheet for this exact part number, based on the naming convention and common ABB product lines, we can make an educated guess about its function.

  • 3BHE: This prefix often indicates a module or component within an ABB automation system.
  • 039203: This part is a specific identifier for the module within the 3BHE series.
  • 5SXE12-0184, GVC736CE101: These codes likely indicate specific features, configurations, or subcomponents of the module, possibly related to its input/output capabilities, communication protocols, or power supply requirements.

Inferred Product Details

Given the naming convention and the common applications of ABB components, we can assume that the ABB-3BHE039203R0101-5SXE12-0184-GVC736CE101 is most likely a control module or I/O module for an ABB automation system.

Possible Functions and Applications

  • Control Module:
    • Provides logic and control functions for automation systems.
    • Could be used in various industrial applications, such as machine control, process control, and safety systems.
  • I/O Module:
    • Handles input and output signals, connecting the control system to sensors, actuators, and other devices.
    • Could be used to monitor and control various aspects of a process.

General Features and Specifications:

While specific details would require consulting the official ABB documentation, here are some common features and specifications that might be applicable to this module:

  • Digital and analog inputs/outputs: For interfacing with sensors, actuators, and other devices.
  • Communication interfaces: Supports various communication protocols like Ethernet, Modbus, and proprietary ABB protocols.
  • Safety features: Includes built-in safety functions to protect personnel and equipment.
  • Customizable: Can be configured to meet specific application requirements.
  • Robust design: Built to withstand industrial environments.

English Bullet Points:

  • Product: ABB Automation Module (likely a control or I/O module)
  • Part Number: ABB-3BHE039203R0101-5SXE12-0184-GVC736CE101
  • Function: Provides control logic or handles input/output signals for automation systems.
  • Features: Digital I/O, communication interfaces, safety features, customizable, robust design.
  • Applications: Machine control, process control, safety systems, and other industrial automation applications.
  • Specifications: Specifics like voltage, current, communication protocols, and physical dimensions would require a datasheet.

To get more accurate information:

  1. ABB Website: Search for the part number on the official ABB website.
  2. ABB Distributor: Contact a local ABB distributor for specific product information.
  3. Product Datasheet: If you have a datasheet for this part, it will contain the most accurate specifications.

Please provide additional context if you have it, such as:

  • Where did you find this part number?
  • What kind of system is it being used in?
  • What specific information are you looking for (e.g., dimensions, power requirements, communication protocols)?

With more information, I can provide a more tailored and accurate response.

Note: To get the most accurate and up-to-date information, it’s highly recommended to consult the official ABB documentation or contact ABB directly.




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