A-B 1756-EN2T

1756-EN2T Detailed Ethernet/IP uses the same application-layer protocol CIP as DeviceNet and ControlNet.

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Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


plc requirements of the ambient temperature of 0~55℃, installation can not be placed under the heat of the elements, the surrounding ventilation and heat dissipation space should be large enough, between the basic unit and the expansion unit to have more than 30mm interval; The upper and lower parts of the switchgear should have ventilated shutters to prevent direct sunlight exposure; If the surrounding environment is over 55 ° C, it is necessary to install an electric fan for forced ventilation. ?? 2. Humidity?? In order to ensure the insulation performance of the plc, the relative humidity of the air should be less than 85% (no condensation). ?? 3. Vibration?? The plc should be kept away from the strong vibration source to prevent frequent or continuous vibration with a vibration frequency of 10~55hz. When the use of the environment can not avoid vibration, shock absorption measures must be taken, such as the use of shock absorption glue. 1756-EN2T Details?? 4. The air? Avoid corrosive and flammable gases, such as hydrogen chloride, hydrogen sulfide, etc. For the environment with more dust or corrosive gases in the air, the plc can be installed in a better closed control room or control cabinet, and the air purification device is installed.

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953