40-14350-02.2020.06.02. BENTLY NEVADA

  • Bently Nevada 40-14350-02.2020.06 Product Information
  • Product Name:
    Bently Nevada 40-14350-02.2020.06 Vibration Monitor
    Product Description:
  • The Bently Nevada 40-14350-02.2020.06 is a vibration monitor designed for use in industrial machinery and equipment.
Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953


  • Bently Nevada 40-14350-02.2020.06 Product Information
  • Product Name:
    Bently Nevada 40-14350-02.2020.06 Vibration Monitor
    Product Description:
  • The Bently Nevada 40-14350-02.2020.06 is a vibration monitor designed for use in industrial machinery and equipment. It is used to detect and measure vibrations that occur during the operation of rotating machinery, such as turbines, generators, and pumps. The monitor provides real-time data on vibration levels, enabling operators to identify potential issues and take corrective measures to prevent equipment failure.
  • Product Parameters:
    Measurement Range: Specifies the range of vibration amplitudes that the monitor can measure.
    Frequency Range: The range of frequencies that the monitor is capable of detecting.
    Sensitivity: Describes the minimum level of vibration that the monitor can detect.
    Alarm Thresholds: Settable vibration levels that, when exceeded, trigger alarms or notifications.
    Output Signal: The type of signal generated by the monitor, such as analog or digital, for further processing or display.
    Power Requirements: Specifies the electrical power needed to operate the monitor.
    Environmental Ratings: Specifies the monitor’s resistance to factors such as temperature, humidity, and vibration.
    Communication Interface: The type of interface used for connecting the monitor to external devices or systems for data transmission or remote monitoring.
  • The Bently Nevada 40-14350-02.2020.06 Vibration Monitor is a critical tool for monitoring the health and performance of rotating machinery in industrial applications. Its ability to measure and detect vibrations accurately, along with its alarm thresholds and communication interface, enable operators to monitor equipment conditions remotely and take proactive measures to prevent failures. The monitor’s parameters, including its measurement range, sensitivity, and power requirements, ensure reliable and effective vibration monitoring in various industrial environments.
Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953
Phone:+86 15359273797 / +86 18150087953