3BHB003688R0001 ABB interface module

Interface type:PROFIBUS DP

Baud rate:960 kbps

Node address:0 to 255

Connector:M12 connector

Protection level:IP65

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Phone:+86 18150087953 / +86 18005022138


3BHB003688R0001 ABB interface module

Product Overview

3BHB003688R0001 is an interface module produced by ABB,used to connect ABB control systems and other equipment.It is a structured,high-performance module that provides reliable connections and data transmission.3BHB003688R0001 is suitable for various applications,including:

Industrial automation

Building automation

Power system


3BHB003688R0001 ABB

3BHB003688R0001 ABB

Product parameters

Interface type:PROFIBUS DP

Baud rate:960 kbps

Node address:0 to 255

Connector:M12 connector

Protection level:IP65

Product specifications

Dimensions:40mm x 25mm x 15mm(1.6 inches x 1.00 x 0 in.6 inches)

Weight:0.1 kilograms(0.2 pounds)


3BHB003688R0001 belongs to ABB’s System 800xA series interface module.The System 800xA series interface modules are renowned for their improvements,flexibility,and flexibility.


Performance:3BHB003688R0001 provides high-speed data transmission to meet the needs of demand.

High reliability:3BHB003688R0001 adopts a reinforced and durable design,which can withstand environmental conditions of gravity.

High flexibility:3BHB003688R0001 can be used in conjunction with various ABB control systems and other equipment.


The function of 3BHB003688R0001 is to connect ABB control system and other equipment.Convert signals from ABB control system into PROFIBUS DP protocol format and send them to other devices.3BHB003688R0001 represents the conversion of signals from other devices into a format understandable by the ABB control system.

3BHB003688R0001 ABB

3BHB003688R0001 ABB


3BHB003688R0001 can be used for various applications,including:

Industrial automation:3BHB003688R0001 can be used to connect ABB control systems with sensors,actuators,and other field equipment.

Building Automation:3BHB003688R0001 can be used to connect ABB control systems with HVAC,lighting,and other building system equipment.

Power system:3BHB003688R0001 can be used to connect ABB control systems and brackets,transformers,and other power system equipment.

Transportation:3BHB003688R0001 can be used to connect ABB control systems with signal lights,barriers,and other transportation equipment.

Application field

3BHB003688R0001 extensively evaluates industries such as industry,construction,electricity,and transportation.

Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 18150087953 / +86 18005022138
Phone:+86 18150087953 / +86 18005022138