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Product: 140CRA31200

  • Description:
    • Quantum RIO Drop E/IP 1CH
    • Ethernet RIO drop adaptor
    • Used to connect remote I/O to a Modicon Quantum PLC
  • Specifications:
    • Part number: 140CRA31200
    • Category: PLCs/Machine Control
    • Subcategory: Ethernet RIO drop adaptor
    • Number of ports: 3
    • Integrated connection type: Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP
    • Communication port protocol: Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP
  • Features:
    • Seamless communication between devices
    • Compact design
    • Easy to install
    • Supports Modicon Quantum PLCs
  • Applications:
    • Industrial automation
    • Machine control
    • Process control
    • Distributed I/O systems
  • Series: Modicon Quantum
  • Manufacturer: Schneider Electric

Additional Information:

  • Weight: Not specified in the available information
  • Dimensions: [Please refer to the product datasheet for specific dimensions]
  • Power supply: [Please refer to the product datasheet for specific power supply requirements]

Where to Find More Information:

Note: To get the most accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to the official product documentation on the Schneider Electric website or contact their technical support.

Summary: The 140CRA31200 is an Ethernet RIO drop adaptor used in Modicon Quantum PLC systems. It provides a connection between the PLC and remote I/O devices, enabling distributed I/O architectures. This product is ideal for applications requiring seamless communication and flexible I/O configurations.

If you need more specific information, please provide additional details such as:

  • The exact application you have in mind
  • Any specific features or requirements
  • Your experience level with PLCs




Contact Us WhatsApp / Wechat:+86 18150087953 / +86 15306927167
Phone:+86 18150087953 / +86 15306927167