The product information of 140CPU65260 SCHNEIDER is as follows:
Product name: Schneider 140CPU65260 control processor module.
Product description:
The Schneider 140CPU65260 is a control processor module typically used in industrial automation and control systems. It belongs to the Quantum series from Schneider Electric and is used to perform control logic, data processing and communication tasks. The module has multiple communication ports, supports a variety of communication protocols, and has built-in diagnostics for checking and diagnosing system problems. It also features a wide range of optional modules and racks that can be flexibly configured to meet different application requirements.
Product Parameters:
Processor type: Pentium Unity
Internal RAM: 3072 kB
Clock frequency: 266 MHz
Number and type of communication ports: 4 (including Modbus, Modbus Plus, USB and Ethernet)
Number of local racks: 2
Number of optional modules: 6
Power supply current: 2760 mA
Battery type and shelf life: 3V lithium battery with a 10-year shelf life
Battery life: 12 mAh
Firmware version support: Unity Pro V2.0 and above
Other features: support the standard specification of the scheduled communication rate, support the dial switch to manually set the communication rate, with six dual-color LED status indicators, the electrical interface with lightning, overcurrent and surge protection, with an industrial-grade design, in line with the EMC test and certification, support for DC9-36V wide redundancy dual-power input, with IP30 protection level and so on.
Please note that the product information provided above may not be completely accurate or up-to-date. To obtain the most accurate and detailed product information, we recommend reviewing the official Schneider 140CPU65260 documentation directly or contacting Schneider Electric technical support.