VMICPCI-7806-211000 350-657806-211000L
VMICPCI-7806-211000 350-657806-211000L
The VMICPCI-7806-211000 350-657806-211000L is a product by GE (General Electric) typically used in industrial automation and control systems. Here’s a detailed overview of its potential product parameters, specifications, dimensions, weight, series, features, and functions in English:
Product Information:
- Manufacturer: GE
- Model/Part Number: VMICPCI-7806-211000 350-657806-211000L
- This product may belong to a specific series of industrial computing or control modules offered by GE, but the exact series designation may not be immediately apparent from the part number. However, it’s commonly referred to as a GE VMICPCI series module1.
- Application: Designed for embedded computing applications, including control and monitoring systems, devices, or processes1.
- Data Acquisition: Supports connecting sensors, measurement devices, or other data sources for data transmission and analysis1.
- Processor and Memory: Equipped with high-performance processors and memory to handle complex computing tasks and data processing1.
- Expansion Slots: Includes multiple expansion slots for adding additional hardware components, such as network interface cards and graphics processors1.
- Communication Interfaces: Supports various communication interfaces, including Ethernet, USB, and serial ports, for connectivity with other devices or systems12.
Dimensions and Weight:
- Product Net Length: 621mm3
- Weight: 1.2kg3
- Industrial-Grade Design: Built with resistance to vibration, electromagnetic interference, and durability to withstand industrial environments1.
- High Reliability: Uses high-quality materials and manufacturing processes for stable and reliable performance in harsh industrial conditions2.
- High Efficiency: Provides fast data processing and response speed for efficient automation control and monitoring2.
- Modularity: Enables flexible configuration and expansion by adding or removing functional modules as needed2.
- User-Friendly Design: Equipped with easy-to-use control panels and visualization interfaces for straightforward access and operation2.
- Online Debugging and Diagnostics: Supports online debugging and diagnostic functions to facilitate troubleshooting and maintenance2.
- Embedded Computing: Serves as a core component in embedded systems, handling real-time computing tasks and data processing1.
- Control and Monitoring: Enables precise control and monitoring of industrial processes, devices, or equipment1.
- Data Collection and Analysis: Collects data from sensors and other devices, transmitting it to computer systems for further analysis and processing1.
- Multi-Industry Applications: Widely used in various industries, including industrial automation, medical equipment, aerospace, communications, and scientific research1.
- The above information is based on the available data and descriptions provided. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date specifications, please refer to GE’s official documentation or contact GE directly.
- The dimensions and weight provided are based on the information available and may vary slightly depending on the specific product configuration or version.
VMICPCI-7806-211000 350-657806-211000L
VMICPCI-7806-211000 350-657806-211000L