128229-01 General Electric
For the product “128229-01” from General Electric (GE), here’s a structured overview of its potential product parameters, specifications, dimensions, weight, series, features, and functions in English:
Product Information:
- Part Number: 128229-01
- Brand: General Electric (GE)
- The exact series of the 128229-01 product is not clearly specified in the search results. However, it could be part of GE’s industrial automation or control systems portfolio.
- The search results do not provide detailed specifications for the 128229-01 product. However, it is mentioned in the context of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) system modules, specifically as a Bently Nevada pre-vibration I/O module36.
- Assuming it’s an I/O module, it likely has input and output channels for connecting sensors, actuators, and other devices to the PLC system.
Dimensions & Weight:
- The exact dimensions and weight of the 128229-01 product are not specified in the search results.
- Based on the context, the 128229-01 product (if it’s a Bently Nevada pre-vibration I/O module) would likely have features such as:
- High-reliability and rugged design for industrial environments.
- Support for various types of vibration sensors and other monitoring devices.
- Accurate signal processing and transmission to the PLC system.
- Easy integration with GE’s PLC systems and other automation equipment.
- The 128229-01 product, if it’s a Bently Nevada pre-vibration I/O module, would serve the purpose of:
- Monitoring vibration levels in machinery and equipment.
- Detecting potential faults or issues based on vibration analysis.
- Transmitting real-time vibration data to the PLC system for further processing and control.
- Helping to prevent equipment failures and downtime by enabling predictive maintenance.
- To obtain the exact specifications, dimensions, weight, and other detailed information about the 128229-01 product from General Electric, please refer to the manufacturer’s official documentation or contact GE directly.
It’s important to note that while the 128229-01 product is mentioned in the context of Bently Nevada pre-vibration I/O modules, it’s unclear if it’s a direct product of General Electric or if it’s a product that is compatible with or distributed by GE.
128229-01 General Electric
128229-01 General Electric